Accessoires voor Servomotoren
Beckhoff, the DC link and inverter for supplying the motor....
Beckhoff, the DC link and inverter for supplying the motor....
Motor cable for HK-KT/HK-MT/HK-RT103(4)/153(4)/203(4)WB: Standard: 2m, IP65...
DC bus bar to connect MR-CV55K4/75K4 with MR-J5D2-500G4/700G4...
Motor cable for HK-KT: Load-side: Standard: 0,3 m, IP65: Brake wires: Dual...
Motor cable for HK-KT: Opposite Load-side: Highflexible: 2 m: Brake wires: Dual...
Motor cable for HK-KT: Load-side: Standard: 5 m, IP65: Brake wires:Dual...
Motor cable for HK-KT: Load-side: Standard: 2 m, IP65: Brake wires:Dual...
Connection cable between MR-JE CN1 and TB-34-EG - 0.5m...
Power cable for HG-SR52, HK-ST52(4)W/102(4)W/1724W/2024W/3024W: high flex.,20m...
Encodercable: for HC-RP, HF-SN,-SP,-JP, HG-SN,-SR, highflexible, 30m, IP67...
Encodercable: for HF-KE,-KN,-KP,-MP, HG-KN,-KR,-MR, 5m (lead out encoder)...
Power cable: for HC-SFS352(B)-502(B),5024(B), HC-RFS/RP353-503, high flex, 5m...
Siemens MOTION CONNECT signal cable f. encoder TTL...
Motor cable for HK-KT/HK-MT/HK-RT103(4)/153(4)/203(4)WB: Standard: 5m, IP65...
Motor cable for HK-KT/HK-MT/HK-RT103(4)/153(4)/203(4)WB: hi-flex: 2m, IP65...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT:1mm2:Normal: 15.0m: A2:High flexible:<8.4A...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm2: Normal: 10.0m: A2: Standard...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm2:Brake:12.0m: A2:High flexible:<10.5A...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm€²: Brake: 10.0m: A2: High flexible...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm€²: Brake: 8.0m: A2: High flexible...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm€²: Brake: 7.0m: A2: High flexible...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm€²: Brake: 3.0m: A2: High flexible...
Power Feedback Single cable for HK-KT: 1mm2: Brake: 15.0m: A2: Standard: <8.4A...